The FUNemployed Family

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Wander With Fun #1

Welcome to our #wanderwithFUN story 👋🏼 Each weekend, we’ll share more about our family journey; who we are, where we came from and why we made the decision to abandon the American Dream. This “crazy” decision to give up our corner offices and comfy home in search of a simpler, happier and more flexible lifestyle led us to travel around the world full time for 1 year. Now, we’ve now created a new family path and we hope to inspire and encourage others chase their version of happy, follow their passions, and live life for today.
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Story 1️⃣: Our journey to make the most out of every day really began when Liesel joined our tribe. After being married 8 years, living in San Francisco, climbing the corporate ladder, and exploring as much as possible when we weren’t working, we were finally ready to start a new adventure.
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Liesel came roaring into our lives in late 2016 👶🏼 It’s safe to say she changed us forever. As all parents out there know, those first few months as a new parent were exciting, emotional, exhausting and beautiful. Every day, she was growing and changing and we knew we wanted to be present for as much of her life as possible. Our journey as a family of 3 had begun...
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Follow #wanderwithFUN as we continue to share our family’s story! Tell us, what would you like to know about our family’s story?